Facebook is surely the most popular social networking site and not being able to access Facebook when its blocked is very frustrating. Another annoyance is that you have all your friends, family members and colleagues on Facebook. When Facebook is blocked behind a firewall, you can neither open Facebook when its blocked in office nor chat with May 23, 2018 · As if this wasn’t enough, if you do get access to Facebook, you may find yourself unable to watch Facebook live or poste videos at a decent quality because of lagging issues. Luckily, there is a fast and easy way to access Facebook if blocked at school, college, office or anywhere else. And even fix those unwanted Facebook lagging issues. Mar 04, 2019 · If you’re finding you can’t open Facebook while in school or when at work, it might be that your connection to the social media site is being blocked. We’ve identified the most reliable solution for unblocking Facebook no matter where you are in this world, by using a VPN. Today we’re showing the best VPN services for Facebook. The most effective way is to use an encrypted VPN (virtual private network). Here are the steps. 1. Download "OpenVPN Connect" on your mobile device. 2. Go to http Sep 11, 2009 · Do like we had to and write a piece of software loosely based on firefox that overrules the blocks in place. Of course if the block is from the company that supplies the internet (like it is at my school) then you'll never get on facebook no matter how hard you try.

Feb 28, 2008 · Circumventing Internet access control systems with web proxies to access unauthorized web sites is a violation of school computer usage policy. You will get suspended and/or banned from using school computers when you get caught. Use school computers for school work, and facebook can wait until you get home.

Sorry for this but here on Quora we are supposed to express ourselves honestly so, Hahahahahahahahahahahahahauahahahaha!!! :D rofl.! Ok so now my dear friend, You

On the desktop / website version of Facebook, their comment will appear. However, their name will be black instead of blue and you will not be able to click onto their profile. Get your friends to check. One of the surest ways to find out whether somebody has blocked you or deactivated their Facebook account is to get somebody else to check.

Is CMD Blocked at Your School or Work? Here's How to Get Around That. Note: May Get You Expelled, Sacked or Both Depending on the Benevolence of the IT Specialist.: Note: I do not accept any responsibility from the use (or misuse) of CMD on any system at all. The Engtech weblog suggests 4 tips for accessing your Gmail account when it's been blocked at your workplace or school.